Impact Hungary Missions Trip 2017 Update #1

Budapest Team:
(Alan, Joe, Benji, Nic, Julia, Donna, Jennie, Emily M., & Kiana) We are so thankful that the Lord answered in providing us some really amazing doors of ministry here in Budapest. After a long travel day from Vajta, we were able to connect with Agi & Judit who are very involved in the ministry here in Hungary as it pertains to young people and children’s homes. We went to a home that they had never been to and it was a very fruitful time. We introduced ourselves, made some crafts, and had some fun with finding ways to cross over language and cultural barriers in order to share the gospel. More on that to come, but until then, all we can say is we need a lot of prayer!
Vajta Team:
(Casey, Nick, Emily F., Josh E., Aidan, Faith, & Carly) Our team received tasks for the week to accompany the conference center’s staff including housecleaning, dining, and dishes. We served alongside the staff throughout the day and used our down time to bond with each other as a team. We went swimming, participated in Hungarian worship, went for a walk at sunset, and ended the night with a Bible study before we rise early tomorrow to serve in our designated spots! As a team we communicated honestly about the difficulties in serving and encouraged one another to view every moment as an opportunity to honor the Lord.