Hello! Ministry was a little bit different than we first anticipated.
Vajta Team: Joe Spinosi
Today was the personification of proverbs 16:9.
A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps
All 22 of us were scheduled for a homeless outreach here in Budapest. When we received word that they overestimated the need, it was determined that only six of us could go there.
Looking to fill the day for the remainder of the students, our minds quickly turned to the castle in Vajta. Earlier in the week, we had started painting the sizable wrought iron pool fence but ran out of time, despite two prior sessions. This would be the perfect opportunity to make even more progress. We quickly made our arrangements and started on our two hour journey to tackle the project!

BUT the Lord had other plans. As soon as we stepped off the train in Vajta, the raindrops started to fall! We were unable to paint our fence!!
Disappointed, we ate lunch, hoping the rain would stop but to no avail. Grudgingly, we asked for something else to do and we’re directed to housekeeping. Your children demonstrated their usual unflappable “can do” attitude and completed all the vacuuming, dusting and mopping in short order. These 16 were so efficient, the Castle actually gave their housekeeping the day off tomorrow!!

As we looked back on the day, we saw God’s providence in each conversation on the train and blessing the hardworking Castle staff. We had our plan but, as always, God had a better one!
Budapest Team: Vincent Fernandez
While the rest of the team went back to the castle to help with various things, myself, Bobby Larsen, Haiey Wubnig, Immanuel Henry, Joseph Henry and Angelina Spinosi went to help out Golgota’s food pantry.

We were able to bless the pantry by reorganizing their entire closet filled with donated clothing. It took a number of hours but we were able to complete the task!
Once both teams reunited we went out for dinner and ice cream! One of the best parts of the trip is being able to admire the city at the night time. The kids had a blast walking though filled town squares walking infront of beautiful monument all over.
We got back to the hostel and headed straight to bed to get ready for a day filled with evangelism and youth misty with Golgota!