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Hungary 2023 (Day 2)

July 25th, 2023

Let's just say that the kids were a little tired today. The jet lag was there but thankfully we forced ourselves to stay up so that we would be able to get a good night's rest. We ate breakfast at the hostel and we headed out for the Népliget bus station. At the station, we met up with Efraim Krlrmen (Junior High Youth Director at Calvary Chapel Golgotha) who then got us onto the correct bus as we headed to the Eastern European Missions Center "Inárcs Hungary".

As soon as we arrived at the camp we were greeted by 30+ Hungarian children aged 10-14 years old. How did we break the ice you may ask? Well of course with a giant full campus game of capturing the flag. It was Americans vs the Hungarians. Needless to say, the Americans took home the gold.

The day was filled with our kids bonding and spending time with the Hungarian kids. From teaching them American games, playing soccer, making bracelets, and sitting down to eat food together, the language barrier didn't stop us from bonding with them. As the night came to a close all the boys broke down the common area and they slept on 12 mattresses on the ground as the ladies slept in the retreat center's extra bunk rooms. Our kids did a phenomenal job spending time with all the Hungarian kids. We are so excited to see what's in store for tomorrow!





139 White Oak Lane, Old Bridge, New Jersey, 08857

Impact: 7:30PM to 10:00PM on Fridays

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